We're building a simpler Grants.gov!
This new website will be your go‑to resource to follow our progress as we improve and modernize the Grants.gov experience, making it easier to find, share, and apply for grants.
Follow on GitHubThis site is a work in progress, with new features and updates based on your feedback.
Search for grants here. To use more advanced features or to apply, go to www.Grants.gov.
The goal
We want Grants.gov to be an extremely simple, accessible, and easy-to-use tool for posting, finding, sharing, and applying for federal financial assistance. Our mission is to increase access to grants and improve the grants experience for everyone.
For applicants
We’re improving the way you search for and discover funding opportunities, making it easier to find and apply.
For grantmakers
If you work for a federal grantmaking agency, we’re making it easier for your communities to find the funding they need.